Our Story

About the significance of doing the rice bag business

Do you know the resin bags used to transport rice and wheat? It has excellent durability and is used not only for transporting rice and wheat, but also for earthen bags in the event of a disaster, and is commonly used overseas. However, domestic demand in recent years has shifted to flexible containers (flexible containers) and paper bags. As a result, we were the last company to have a factory capable of integrated production of resin bags for rice and wheat.

What would happen if domestic production of resin bags for rice and wheat stopped and imports from overseas became difficult? For example, it may be difficult to carry rice or make sandbags. Considering the recent corona disaster and the international situation such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it may happen in the near future.

We have the only machine in Japan that can perform integrated manufacturing from the original fabric (roll). How can we keep moving without stopping production? After thinking about it, I developed a product called COME SACK using resin bags for rice and wheat. We strongly hope that many people will pick up our products and continue to protect the only factory in Japan, develop products that use rice bags, and have many people pick up our products.

How COME SACK is made

Do you know the resin bags used to transport rice and wheat? It has excellent durability and is used not only for transporting rice and wheat, but also for earthen bags in the event of a disaster, and is commonly used overseas.

1. Weaving work on Japan's only resin bag loom for rice and wheat

A large number of threads are passed through a machine to create a cylindrical raw fabric. From the beginning to the end, we finish the raw fabric by replenishing the yarn, replacing the yarn, and inspecting the machine.

2. Unusual retro rubber stamp printing process

The finished raw fabric is cut into bags while printing the necessary indications. We check the quality of printing and weaving, and select only the best products for sewing.

3. Sewing process by hand one by one

The printed and cut resin bags are stitched one by one to create easy-to-use, safe and secure products.

4. Inspection

We check each finished product for any problems before delivering it to the customer.


ライスレジンとは、古米や、破砕米(焼酎など米製品を作るために砕いた米)などの廃棄されてしまう食べられないお米を、独自技術でプラスチック化したものを指します。この素材は、プラスチック原料にお米を最大70%まで混ぜることができるので、石油系プラスチックの含有量を大幅に下げることが可能です。お米由来の素材のため、環境や人にも優しく、レジ袋やゴミ袋、カトラリーや、お子様が使っても安心なおもちゃなど 、様々なものに展開されつつあります。

私たちは「株式会社バイオマスレジン北日本」を設立し、 ライスレジンという岩手のお米(非食用米)で作られた国産の バイオマスプラスチック(植物由来のプラスチック)を製造することにしました。

お米で作られたCOME SACKの新商品を製作し、環境に優しいCOME SACKの新商品を手に取っていただき、岩手をはじめ、東北の農業を守っていきたいと、弊社は願っております。

Kitanihon Seitai Co., Ltd.

Kitanihon Seitai Co., Ltd. was established in 1966 as a hemp bag factory for rice grains in Yahaba-cho, Shiwa-gun, Iwate Prefecture. Since then, we have progressed together with the local community through our rice and barley containers, rice business, and agricultural materials business. We are developing new products for consumers in order to keep the only remaining circular factory in Japan that can make the raw material of plastic bags for rice and wheat.

Representative Director and President Koji Tashiro

[Business description]
Processing of rice and barley containers, cloth bags, vinyl for agricultural use Sales of agricultural materials, seeds, etc. Sales of rice for commercial use, rice for brewing, rice for staple food





8-96-1 Nishitokuda, Yahaba-cho, Shiwa-gun, Iwate Prefecture
TEL: 019 (697) 1881

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